untick checkbox Allow only one instance.in the Interface tab scroll down to playlist and instances.Likewise, people ask, How do you open VLC? Thereof, How to open livestream with VLC or IP camera viewer? Set whatever name you want to save your file as,but put the extension as.Click on the arrow next to Play button below and then click on Convert.Similarly, people ask, How to capture with VLC? Visit Business Insider's Tech Reference library for more stories. Here's how to set up and mirror your Android or Windows device to a Roku player. VLC is a popular media player for many platforms, but it's not available for direct download on Roku. exe file in your browser's download window when the download has completed to start the install wizard:Ĭorrespondingly, How do you get VLC player? - You can get VLC on Roku by mirroring the VLC player from an Android device or Windows computer. Click on the orange DOWNLOAD VLC BUTTON at the top-right of the page.